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Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)

Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press)

Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)
Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)
Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)
Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)
Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)
Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)
Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)
Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)
Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)
Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)
Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)
Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)


  • 1,800JPY


  • 130g

Product Number:

  • #5580



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Item Name

Upper Die Setter (For Hand Press Machine)


15mm × 100mm


This is a special setter to be attached to the Upper Die of a hand press.
Fittings that could only be attached with a Hand Press Machine can now be done by hand.
Anyone can easily install the fittings.
Upper Die Setter (For Hand PressMachine) is a【genuine Peacock product.】


Fittings that could only be attached with a Hand Press Machine can now be done by hand !

Upper Die Setter (For Hand PressMachine) is a【genuine Peacock product.】

It is very time-consuming to use a Hand Press machine to stop a small number of Rivets metal fittings.
We created "Upper die setter" to eliminate this hassle.
We were particular about "four points.

① The entire product is subjected to a "hardening process" to improve wear resistance.

② Setter should be 15 mm thick.
Thick enough to absorb the impact of the upper die when struck and firmly stop the metal fittings.
Thickness to match W5/16-18 thread standard.

③The handles are non-slip so that work can be performed securely.

④The entire surface is plated to prevent rust.

You can easily stop the fittings by placing "Anvil (6sizes) or Anvil" underneath.

*Never use the lower die when hand hammering ! ! !
Lower die is not a tool designed to be stopped by hand!
Lower die is not designed to withstand the impact of striking !
Striking by hand with the Lower die by force will cause deformation !


Usage & Maintenance

User's Manual

Please feel free to inquire about anything and also asking for quotations.

Please feel free to inquire about anything and also asking for quotations

Oka Factory & Co.,Ltd.

272-0827 5-10-7, Konodai, Ichikawa-city, Chiba


Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

FAX +81-47-713-8661

Please email, phone or fax us for purchasing

- We are a manufacturer so it can take time to ship.

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